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The Open Access Repository on the mostwiedzy platform, as part of an inter-university and inter-library collaboration, has provided authors from UPWr with five vouchers to use – to deposit datasets with their (their research team's) scientific data (e.g. within an NCN grant). To take advantage of this offer, you need to set up a scientific profile on and then go to the website to redeem the voucher. The codes are valid until 30 December 2022. If you are interested, please (...)
Doctoral SchoolWrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences 25 Norwida St.50-375 Wrocław, Polandbldg. A1, room 204 tel. (+48) 71 320 5266, (+48) 71 320 1089 e-mail:   Office Working Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri - 8:00 - 16:00 WEDNESDAY - Office's own work Head of UPWr Doctoral School Prof. Magdalena Szymura e-mail: Doctoral School Office Doctoral School Office Coordinatordr inż. Magdalena Gawron-Gajgał tel. (+48) 71 320 (...)
"See, learn and experiment" is the slogan that has motivated us for a long time in organizing classes for high school students at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy.
"Plant kefir", green bus shelters, an app that allows you to share food, bioindicators for heavy metal detection – these are projects awarded and honoured in the competition summarizing the first semester of the academic entrepreneurship course.
In the past 2021, our Faculty was visited by high school and technical school students from the Economic and Technical School Complex in Rakowice Wielkie. Thirty-three students, together with the vice-principal Ms. Monika Citow and the physics and chemistry teacher Ms. Justyna Cieślak, got acquainted with the educational offer of our Faculty and the scientific and didactic facilities.

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