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Researchers from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences are working on the DigiTwins4PEDs project, which aims to utilize a city's digital twin to model urban energy aspects. This marks a step towards carbon-neutral cities and a sustainable energy future. The project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development.
She is finishing her PhD and has just received funding for a project awarded in the Preludium competition. Agata Matera, a student at the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences , is supervised by Professor Ewa Huszcza.
PhD students Sepideh Fallahi, Joanna Bubak and Hassanali Mollashahi talk about their experience with the UPWr Doctoral School's tutoring programme one year on.
By the decision of the European Commission, the international EU GREEN consortium , which includes the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, received the status of a European University. It’s prestigious for our university and a chance to internationalize studies, scientific partnerships and experience exchange in the field of innovation.
Kamila Pawłuszek, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, received over 100,000 PLN from National Science Centre within ”Preludium 13” grant for the automation of landslide identification.
Dr Adam Dobrowolski from the Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology received 1.5 million PLN for research in the SONATA BIS 7 competition. He’s going to check if and how the biomass of brown marine algae can be used by yeast to produce biofuels.
A new center for treatment and rehabilitation of wild animals has begun formal operations in Złotówek. The opening ceremony took place on the 4 October, which was also the anniversary as World Animal Day.
At UPWr students can develop various passions, not only scientific ones. For those artistically talented, the university offers the opportunity to join the Academic UPWr Choir or the Academic Folk Song and Dance Band "Jedliniok".
The researchers involved in the project will investigate consumer attitudes and preferences towards innovative food products, including meat substitutes, in the societies of participating countries – Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Moldova. The joint efforts aim to discern consumer attitudes towards new products on the market and facilitate the composition of a healthy and balanced diet.
The call for applications for the second edition of the university's participatory budget is now open, and will remain open till the 3rd of February.

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