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Maciej Orzechowski and Radosław Tatko PhDs from the Institute of Building Engineering at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy have won the Diamond of Innovation at the Warsaw Build 2016 International Fair.
Professor Misuzu Asari from the University of Kyoto, member of the Japanese Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, discussed at WUELS the pro-ecological efforts undertaken in Japan with the aim of reducing the amount of waste.
A total of 67 applications were submitted for the fourth edition of the Beethoven Classic competition – and only 15 of them qualified for funding. Dr. Iga Solecka, a scientist from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, is among the small number of researchers whose applications have been approved.
The scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science, which is available to students for scientific, artistic or sporting achievements, was awarded to three students of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.
Prof. Joanna Szyda: – the UPWr Doctoral School is an opportunity for ambitious and hardworking people. Data analysis, big data and data mining are modern tools that allow scientists to look at the animals and microorganisms they study in a completely different way.
Two scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences – Prof. Marek Furmankiewicz and Prof. Józef Nicpoń – obtained funding for their research under the Opus 17 program.
UPWr partners the international project BECoop, conducted under the Horizon 2020 programme. The project aims to give communities responsibility for local bioenergy production.
Two projects from the Miniatura 6 competition will be carried out by scientists from the UPWr Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences. Professor Małgorzata Kapelko-Żeberska will work on a new method for obtaining resistant starch, and Dr. Robert Gajda will work on developing the first questionnaire in Poland to assess the nutritional risk of seniors living in local communities.
Newly appointed Prof. Anna Gliszczyńska on what knowledge we owe to chemists, what food chemistry is, what phospholipids can be used for, and what is hidden under the term 'biocatalysis'.
Krzysztof Kotlarz is pursuing a PhD in bioinformatics in the UPWr Doctoral School under the supervision of Prof. Szyda, and a Master's degree in the same subject. He has just received a scholarship to participate in the WCGALP 2022 "World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production", which is the most important conference for scientists involved in the genetic improvement of farm animals.

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