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We present the highest-score research papers of April 2024. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.
We invite you to the 4th International BRIA Conference (Biotechnology for Research and Industrial Applications), which will be held on September 12-13 in Wrocław.
Chairman dr hab. Roman Wacł Members Ewa Hajdasz Aleksandra Benyoub Maria Pikor Dorota Musiał-Duda dr hab. Alina Kulczyk-Dynowska dr hab. Anna Czubaszek prof. Jarosław Bystroń dr hab. Jacek Leśny dr Damian Konkol Justyna Załuska – Doctoral Students' Council Representative Maria Chwalisz – Student Council Representative The committee was established by the resolution of the Senate of UPWr No. 61/2023.
Young scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences were awarded PLN 1,936,687 in the National Science Centre Preludium 20 competition. We present another five projects covering, among others, airborne laser scanning, research on human mobility, the influence of microorganisms on polyphenolic compounds and changes in Icelandic soil.
An international project on the Validation of the Central European Soil Database, which has been a part of the European E-Soter System, has been completed.
Rector Jarosław Bosy’s letter to Ukrainian and Belarusan members of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences community.

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