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    Multi-GNSS solutions with stochastic clock modeling

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    Time-variable Earth's gravity field derived using SLR, GNSS, and GRACE data

  • krzysztof_grzymajlo_glowne-1.jpg [ . jpg ] 310.12 KB

    Krzysztof Grzymajło has been granted over 3 million PLN to research Salmonella infections

  • upwroc_znak_wodny.jpg [ . jpg ] 337.41 KB

    Can we say that business and science are a well suited couple? Yes, and our example proves this. Water absorbing geocomposites were developed by a team of scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and are now available for sale. This is a pioneer example (on a national scale) when the results of a scientific project under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme were commercialized. The project was coordinated by Krzysztof Lejcuś, who agreed to (...)

  • Multifunctional hall [ . pdf ] 92.03 KB
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    Analysing the interplay between urban land surface temperature and the grey infrastructure

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    The role of probiotics in host-pathogen interaction at the first stages of Salmonella enterica infection

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    Research on the microbial mechanism of enhancement of biomethane production from bio-waste by typical carbon materials

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    Sustainable technology of phytoextraction of metals from soils with the use of water absorbing geocomposites

  • Appendix 2 - Agreement [ . docx ] 297.05 KB