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The Książ Castle Gardens in the 1870s were designed by Eduard Neide, the director of the Royal Gardens Tiergarten in Berlin – this is the latest discovery by UPWr scientists who have been researching the history of this site for several years.
Supporting student mobility by creating an international system of converting grades and points received during studies – this was a topic discussed at UPWr by 36 partners of the new project.
Biotechnologies and advanced medical technologies / The therapy of civilization diseases-innovations in anti-cancer and anti-osteoporosis medications” (EU research framework programme: POIG 01.01.02-02-003/08). Period: 2010-2014. Team: Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, Anita Piątek, Janusz Bieżyński, Piotr Skrzypczak, Jan Kuryszko, Piotr Kuropka, Anna Nikodem (PWr), Celina Pezowicz (PWr)The aim of the experiment was to design new organic compounds – aminophosphonates and their derivatives as inhibitors (...)
Scientists from UPWr, together with researchers from the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, obtained the highest score in the competition organized by the National Centre for Research and Development. They also received funding in the amount of nearly 2.5 million PLN, 800 thousand of which will go to UPWr.
In light of the upcoming 4th Nordic-Baltic Drying Conference Professor Odilio Alves-Filho talks about the history of drying, using heat pumps for drying and how important this technology is for the environment.
Comittee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has graded units’ scientific and research-development activities, Wrocław University of Life Sciences’ faculties included. The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, as a composite unit, has been awarded with the highest grade – A+.
We present the highest-score research papers of April 2021.
Creation of a UPWr Educational Centre in Radomierz is one of the outcomes of a cross-border agreement signed by our University with the Christlich-Soziales Bildungswerk Sachsen e.V. (CSB) association.

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