
Biotechnologies and advanced medical technologies / The therapy of civilization diseases-innovations in anti-cancer and anti-osteoporosis medications” (EU research framework programme: POIG 01.01.02-02-003/08). Period: 2010-2014. Team: Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, Anita Piątek, Janusz Bieżyński, Piotr Skrzypczak, Jan Kuryszko, Piotr Kuropka, Anna Nikodem (PWr), Celina Pezowicz (PWr)
The aim of the experiment was to design new organic compounds – aminophosphonates and their derivatives as inhibitors of cathepsins and aminopeptidases, i.e. enzymes involved in the formation of inter alia cancer, malaria, stomach ulcers or Parkinson's disease and as therapeutic agents for osteoporosis. In vivo studies conducted in the Department and Clinic of Surgery aimed to determine the mechanical properties of bones at different levels of organization (macro- and micro-), coming from different areas of the skeletal system of the examined sheep (spine, metatarsal, humerus and femur).
The experiment resulted in the development of a new method to induce osteoporosis in sheep, and six selected aminomethylenebisphosphonates were tested and their anti-osteoporotic activity was determined in the conditions of induced osteoporosis in sheep. Macro- and microscopic tests showed a significant effect of therapy using the above compounds on the mechanical properties of bones at different levels of the organization. Two of the six bisphosphonates (ED49 and ED38) were found to exhibit the best therapeutic effect; and comparing the two compounds with each other showed that bisphosphonate ED38 had the highest potential. The results of these studies can be used in the future to supplement bone loss caused by osteoporosis during menopause and andropause in humans. The compounds developed as a result of the experiment were reported for the patent protection. The patent application is currently progressed in the Patent Office. Test results were published in specialized journals.

Ophthalmology – medications for corneal regeneration / Influence of antlerogenic stem cells and theirs homogenate on corneal epithelium and substantia propria healing in rabbits” (NCBiR project, DEMONSTRATOR + UOD- DEM -1-351/001) Period: 2013-2016 Team: Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, Agnieszka Antończyk, Przemek Prządka

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate corneal healing after application of neomycin, dexpanthenol, antlerogenic stem cells and theirs derivative. Additionally two methods of administration were compared - under a humidified chamber, and conventionally on the surface of the cornea.
The studies revealed that the application of antlerogenic stem cells derivative results in higher transparency of the cornea when compared to the therapeutics used in other research groups. More over in animals treated with antlerogenic stem cells there was no postoperative vascularization in the corneal center or haemosis conjunctivae in the episcleral vessels of the limbus area.
In summary the therapy of the corneal ulcer with application of the stem cells derivatives resulted in higher transparency of the corea and therefore better restoring of the visual function. This experiment is an introduction to the development of the medical product that can be used in the treatment of the coreal injuries in humans.