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dr Michał Lubicz-Miszewskilecturerroom; 306 tel. 713205292e-mail: hours:Friday, 9.00-10.30 (on-line after prior contact) dr Łukasz Kaszkowiaklecturer room 309; tel. 71 320 5227e-mail: Office hours:Friday, 14.00-14.45 (stationary)Friday, 18.00-18.45 (on-line after prior contact) dr Milena Wawrzyniak-Kostrowickalecturer room 309; tel. 71 320 5227e-mail: Office hours:Monday, (...)
Centre for Foreign Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences holds humanistic and social classes for first and second-cycle students. Admission for the abovementioned classes is possible through the USOSWEB system.The range of subjects for first-cycle studies includes interpersonal communication, social psychology, ethics and career planning.The choice of subjects for second-cycle studies comprises business communication and coaching.Each subject amounts to 30 lessons (2 ECTS points) Milena (...)
Students of a new degree programme at UPWr – bioeconomy – prepared end-of-semester projects that address the problems described in the Sustainable Development Goals. These are problems that surround us everyday - pollution, smog, concrete jungles or fast fashion.
Katarzyna Leicht, a PhD student from Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, is conducting research on the use of myofibrillar proteins derived from poultry muscles and bioactive plant compounds from Centella asiatica. Her work holds the potential to revolutionize the food industry by creating innovative products that not only promote health but also contribute to the sustainable use of resources in the meat industry.

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