Research equipment

  • NightOWL LB 983 in vivo tumor growth and microbial infection imaging system (Berthold Technologies),
  • 96-well plate reader/spectrophotometer Multiscan EX with, 405, 414, 450, 492, 540, 570, 620, 690 nm filters (Thermo),
  • Ascent FL Fluorimeter/Luminometer with Ex: 485, 355, 390 nm, Em: 460, 538 nm filters, heating, compatible with 6-, 24- i 96-well plates with top and bottom reading (Thermo),
  • Inverted Fluorescent Microscope Eclipse TE2000-S with camera, 4x, 10x, 20x i 40x objectives, and GA-2 EX510-566nm/DM575nm/BA590nm, B2-A EX450-490nm/DM505nm/BA520nm filters (Nikon),
  • Inverted MicroscopeAE-20 (Motic),
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometers U-5100 (Hitachi), SmartSpec 3000 (Biorad),
  • Avanti J-20XPI high speed, high capacity centrifuge w/cooling, with JA-10 (6x 500ml, 17000xg) rotor (Beckman Coulter),
  • Gene Pulser Xcell electroporator with PC & CE modules (Biorad),
  • Savant SpeedVac SC110A Vacum concentrator with refrigerated vapor trap RVT400 (Thermo),
  • Innova U535 deepfreezer (New Brunswick Scientific),
  • D-78532 cooled centrifuge w/rotor set (Hettich),
  • 3K18 centrifuge (Sigma),
  • Titramax 1000 heated 96-well plates shaker (Heildorph),
  • HT Minitron microbiological incubation shaker (Infors),
  • Forma Class II A2 Biosafety Cabinet (Thermo),
  • Cell culture CO2 incubators Nuaire i Thermo,
  • Stericlave 15S & 24B autoclaves (Cominox),
  • RE120 Coolled waterbath RE120 (LAUDA),
  • Sono Plus Hd2070 sonifier (Bandelin),
  • PRO 200 rotor-stator homogenizer for 2 ml tubes,
  • DNA agarose gel electrophoresis set (Bio-Rad, Biometra),
  • SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting set (Bio-Rad),
  • Proflex 3x32 wells Thermocycler (Applied Bioscience) and T3 Thermocycler (Biometra),
  • Small laboratory equipement